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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Digestibility level of cacao waste fiber fraction fermented with indigenous microorganisms in sheep


Article Info: Received: 06 Nov 2020; Received in revised form: 05 Nov 2020; Accepted: 16 Dec 2020; Available online: 31 Dec 2020

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.4.6.3

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


Ruminant sheep from forage and legumes, which has linited avabiility due to the shift inproductive land for grass and legumes, which have been widely used for housing and business. Research purposes; To see the digestibility level of the fiber fraction from cacao waste fermented with indigenic microorganisms in sheep. Research hypothesis: Increased digestibility of cacao waste fiber fraction fermented with indigenous microorganisms. Benefits of Research: The results of this study can reduce the waste problem cacao can be used as the building blocks for livestock rations ruminant by breeders.Material and Methods: This study used sheep as much as 16 tails whose age 6-12 months, the sheep will be sorted by weight, ration treatment consisted of four, namely; A = Concentrate (40%) + forage (60%), B = Concentrate (40%) + Grass (30%) + Lives fermentation (LF) (30%), C = Concentrate (40%) + Grass (30%) + rind cocoa Fermentation(RCF)( 30%), D = Concentrate( 40%) + Grass (30%) + (15%) LF+ RCF (15%). Variable research is weight gain, consumption of fiber fraction and the fiber fraction Digest. The results of the study are incressing weight of sheep ranged from 56.052 to 71.315 g / head / day with MD consumtion ranged from 289.78 to 359.00, from 129.02 to 160.22 NDF, ADF -115.42 84.29 grams / head / day and digestibility of MD ranged from 59.16 to 60.62%, 34.187 to 55.67 NDF, ADF 26.00 to 48.46. Conclusion: The waste cacao fruit can promote the growth of sheep are seen in terms of the fiber fraction. Suggestion; Giving the Waste cacao fruit in the diet in order to be improved.

Grass, Leaves Cacao, Cacao Rind, Sheep.

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