Zharama Llarena
International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-8,Issue-1, January - March 2024, Pages 11-19 , 10.22161/ijebm.8.1.2
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Article Info: Received: 07 Jan 2024; Received in revised form: 15 Feb 2024; Accepted: 21 Feb 2024; Available online: 28 Feb 2024
The current production for energy consumption generates harmful impacts of carbon dioxide to the environment causing instability to sustainable development goals. The constitutional reforms of British Government serve to be an important means of resolving any encountered incompatibilities to political environment. This study aims to evaluate green economy using developed equation for renewable energy towards political polarization of corporate governance. The Kano Model Assessment is used to measure the equivalency of 1970 Patents Act to UK Intellectual Property tabulating the criteria for the fulfillment of sustainable development goals in respect to the environment, artificial intelligence, and dynamic dichotomy of administrative agencies and presidential restriction, as statutory interpretation development to renewable energy. The constitutional forms of British government satisfy the sustainable development goals needed to fight climate change, advocate healthy ecosystem, promote leadership of magnates, and delegate responsibilities towards green economy. The presidential partisanship must be observed to delineate parties of concerns and execute the government prescriptions in equivalence to the dichotomous relationship of technology and the environment in fulfilling the rights and privileges of all citizens. Hence, the political elites can execute corporate governance towards sustainable development of renewable energy promoting environmental parks and zero emission target of carbon dioxide discharges. The economic theory developed in statutory interpretation for renewable energy serves as a tool to reduce detrimental impacts of carbon dioxide to the environment, mitigate climate change, and produce artefacts of bioenergy and artificial intelligence promoting sustainable development. It is suggested to explore other vulnerabilities of artificial intelligence to prosper economic success.