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International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

The Orientation of Subsidiary and Non-Subsidiary banks in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility

Ongono Amogo Tobie N , Dadem Kemgou Edouard Guilaire , Deutou Nkengwou Zacharie , Tioumagneng Tafam André

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-4,Issue-2, March - April 2020, Pages 39-50 , 10.22161/ijebm.4.2.2

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Banks, especially African ones, have been facing the challenge of Social Accountability since the end of the 1940s.Paradoxically, very little research work related to banking management has been conducted on this important and topical issue. The rationale behind this PH D thesis is therefore to contribute to a better understanding of banking policies as regards Corporate Social Responsibility. The survey area is Cameroon and three types of banks were sampled: a local capital bank, a subsidiary of a pan African bank and a subsidiary of a French bank. Three dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility were assessed: the economic dimension, the social and the environmental ones. Data were collected in three ways: documentary research, semi-structured interviews with bank managers and semi-structured interviews with clients. The findings reveal that the banks appraised are more inclined to socio-environmental accomplishments.

Bank; Bank subsidiary; Local bank; National bank; Corporate Social Responsibility.

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