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  • ISSN: 2456-7817

International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

The impact of Technological acceptance model (TAM) outcome on implementing accounting software

Khowanas Saeed Qader , Diyar Abdulmajeed Jamil , Karkhi Khalid Sabah , Sanarya Adnan Anwer , Ahmed Jawhar Mohammad , Bayar Gardi , Bryar Sami Abdulrahman

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-6,Issue-6, November - December 2022, Pages 14-24 , 10.22161/ijebm.6.6.3

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Article Info: Received: 12 Oct 2022; Received in revised form: 01 Nov 2022; Accepted: 07 Nov 2022; Available online: 15 Nov 2022


Accounting software installation in Iraq's Kurdistan area will be examined in this study's primary objective. Quantitative methods were used by the researchers to determine the readiness factors for installing accounting software, including (technology readiness, human resource readiness, customer readiness, content readiness, educational readiness, leadership readiness, and cultural readiness). Erbil currently has seven small and medium-sized businesses (SME). SME's 120 administrative staff members were given the survey at random. A total of 104 people from various small and medium-sized businesses in Iraq's Kurdistan area participated in this study. Technology readiness was found to be most important, while human resource readiness came in last in Erbil SME's preparation for implementation of accounting software. There is a problem with this study because the survey questions may not be representative of the entire community of instructors and administrators at SME.

Readiness Factors, Implementing accounting software, SME, Erbil

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