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  • ISSN: 2456-7817

International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

The Impact of Organizational Politics on the Effectiveness of Strategic Planning: An Examination of the Hospital Sector in Syria

Abd Al Azez Al Bahlawan

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-7,Issue-3, May - June 2023, Pages 18-24 , 10.22161/ijebm.7.3.4

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Article Info: Received: 23 Apr 2023; Received in revised form: 20 May 2023; Accepted: 28 May 2023; Available online: 05 Jun 2023


This article aims to study the effect of organizational politics on the effectiveness of strategic planning within the Syrian hospital sector. Surveying a sample of 228 managers, we employed regression analysis to understand the relationship between these variables. The findings indicated a significant negative relationship between organizational politics and strategic planning effectiveness, suggesting the disruptive role of political behavior in strategic management processes.

Strategic Planning, Hospital Sector, fostering innovation.

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