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  • ISSN: 2456-7817

International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

The Impact of Human Resource Practices on Organizational Performance: A Study of Businesses in Kurdistan

Dr. Sabeeha Hasan Hama Kawani

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-2,Issue-6, November - December 2018, Pages 72-79 , 10.22161/ijebm.2.6.1

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The aim of this study to find the impact of human resource management practices on organizational performance of businesses located in Erbil. The research analyzed by applying quantitative method, I applied a structured survey as tool of this research. I distributed 100 questionnaires, but only 71 questionnaires I was able to receive. The findings showed that there is a positive relationship between human resource management practices and organizational performance.In my study, I have found the limitations, for instance the measurement of applying few of human resource management practices in order to measure organizational performance.Future studies can enhance the above research limitations and foresee a much detailed research study of the relation between human resource management practices by taking more practices intro consideration in order to measure and assess organizational performance.

Human resource management, Organizational Performance, Erbil, Kurdistan.

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