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International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

Status of Online Education in India: Pre and Post COVID-19 Era

Susheela , Vandana Nasa

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-6,Issue-6, November - December 2022, Pages 42-49 , 10.22161/ijebm.6.6.7

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Article Info: Received: 06 Nov 2022; Received in revised form: 01 Dec 2022; Accepted: 08 Dec 2022; Available online: 14 Dec 2022


For the past several years, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions around the world to close their doors and as a result, the academic calendar has been badly put on the line. The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a global realization that the current way of the education system is not going to work and it needs serious reforms in developing countries like India where most of the curricula are designed for traditional offline modes of education. Online education is one of the most reliable methods that can help combat the inevitable crisis faced in India by the education sector due to COVID-19. There have been numerous challenges and opportunities created by the sudden change in teaching and learning methods. A critical analysis of the educational sector's impact during an Indian disease outbreak is presented in this article. Moreover, various aspects of how India approaches this critical situation through online education are discussed. In addition, the article provides information about how to handle the challenges of online education. The results of the investigation carried out in this paper indicate that majority of respondents are prepared to enroll and utilize the benefits of the online education system with few hurdles that need to be tackled by the government of India in order to spread this adoption to the masses.

Online Education, Post COVID-19, teaching and learning methods.

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