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International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

Evaluation of Training and Development in Banking Sector of India: Perspective of Employees’ Attitude

Sayantan Ghosh , Md Humayun Kabir

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-2,Issue-3, May - June 2018, Pages 31-43 , 10.22161/ijebm.2.3.2

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Rapid progress and the abnormal profits of the private banking sector of India is the hot topic nowadays in India. This study aimed to explore the effect of training and development on employee attitude, turnover intention and job satisfaction of public and private banking sector of India. The employees of different banks of India were selected as sample. Mainly quota and purposive sampling technique were employed for sample selection. The result shows that perceptions on training and development program of the employees of the Indian public banks were rejected; it proves that employees of Indian public banks do not provide a good opportunity and enough training programs. On the other hand, the result shows that perceptions on training and development program of the employees of the Indian private banks were accepted, it proves that private banking sector provides their employees good opportunity and enough training programs. In addition, this study shows that the Indian public-sector banks employees’ turnover intention is proportionally higher. But in the other case, Indian private sector banks employees’ turnover intentions are quite low. This study also exposed that job satisfaction in public sector bank was comparatively lower than private sector bank. Additionally, this study also shows that public banks are very less interested in the general employees’ development programs. But, the private sectors banks employees of India believed that their banks are properly arranging employee’s good training and development programs every year as per their requirement. Finally, this research argues that employees of the public-sector banks of India got the training which was not good enough, unplanned and not systematically administered, but the training for employees of the private sector banks of India was well planned and systematically administered.

Bank, development, HRM, India, training.

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