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International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

Contribution of Conflict Management on Employees' Performance in Tanzania: A Case Study of Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project

Editha G. Rwehumbiza , Castor Mfugale

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-6,Issue-3, May - June 2022, Pages 28-38 , 10.22161/ijebm.6.3.4

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Article Info: Received: 16 May 2022; Received in revised form: 10 May 2022; Accepted: 15 May 2022; Available online: 31 May 2022


This study examines the contribution of conflict management on employee’s performance in Tanzania with particular reference to Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project (DMGP). Specifically, the study intended to examine the nature of communication flow at DMGP, to identify the conflict resolution approaches practiced at DMGP and to associate practiced conflict resolution approaches with employees’ performance in Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project. The study adopted the use of case study research design in generating the required primary data and was limited to the employees of DMGP. The study involved 45 technical employees who were conveniently and purposively selected for inclusion in the sample. Collected data was coded then analyzed with the help of SPSS version 23. Findings revealed that employees fear to speak out their inner concerns to supervisors because of insecurity of their job despite having a chance to express their opinions. Results have also indicated that interpersonal conflicts were predominantly solved by involving the conflicted parties. Workers at DMGP prefer more settling job issues with their immediate supervisors than third parties. Also, training and development offered at DMGP has significantly contributed to the performance of employees in different departments. Generally, it was revealed that conflict management has significant contribution to employees’ performance at DMGP. The study recommends to managers to enhance interpersonal relationships amongst co-workers to inculcate trust, unleash communication and consequentially boost morale of the employees.

Conflict Management, Employees’ Performance, Trade Union, Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Project.

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