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  • ISSN: 2456-7817

International Journal Of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM)

Analysis of the Role and Contribution of Fishermen’s Wives to Family Income in Likupang Barat District, North Minahasa Regency

Christian Ronald Dien , Grace O. Tambani , Swenekhe S. Durand

International Journal of Engineering, Business And Management(IJEBM), Vol-7,Issue-5, September - October 2023, Pages 9-15 , 10.22161/ijebm.7.5.2

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Article Info: Received: 27 Aug 2023; Received in revised form: 28 Sep 2023; Accepted: 04 Oct 2023; Available online: 14 Oct 2023


Jayakarsa Village is a coastal village located in West Likupang District which is one of the tourist destinations in North Sulawesi and even in Indonesia. In this village there are still fishing communities who use the traditional fishing gear jubi or arrows to meet their needs. The aim of the research is to identify and analyze the amount and sources of income of jubi fishermen in Jayakarsa Village, West Likupang District, and analyze the amount and type of expenditure of jubi fishermen in Jayakarsa Village, West Likupang District, as well as analyze the standard of living of jubi fishermen in Jayakarsa Village, West Likupang District. The research location was carried out in Jayakarsa Village, West Likupang District using basic survey methods. The population in this research is jubi fishermen who have families in Jayakarsa Village totaling 30 people. The data collection method uses the census method, namely taking the entire population to be used as respondents. Data consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data collection was carried out by means of interviews using questionnaires and observations. Collecting secondary data is by quoting data from related agencies or data from previous research results. The data obtained will be processed and analyzed descriptively qualitatively and descriptively quantitatively. Qualitative descriptive analysis is used to provide discussions of qualitative data related to existing theory. The data is analyzed and then interpreted as research results. The research results show that the income of jubi fishermen in Jayakarsa Village comes from their main job as crew members on the Pajeko Ship and side jobs. Jubi fishermen's expenditure consists of total food expenditure plus total non-food expenditure. Analysis of the Engel Index obtained was 65.9%, which means that 65.9% of the total income of jubi fishermen in Jayakarsa Village is used to meet food needs. This means that the level of welfare of jubi fishermen in Jayakarsa Village is still relatively low.

Standard of living, Jubi Fishermen, West Likupang, Tourism

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