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International Journal Of Chemistry, Mathematics And Physics(IJCMP)

Examining the Factors Associated with Customer Satisfaction using Smartphones

Noora Shrestha

International Journal of Chemistry, Mathematics And Physics(IJCMP), Vol-4,Issue-4, July - August 2020, Pages 65-70 , 10.22161/ijcmp.4.4.1

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This paper aims at identifying the key factors that influence customers’ satisfaction to use smartphones. A survey questionnaire was designed to capture the opinions of the customers about a number of characteristics of their smartphone. Correlation and regression analysis were carried to study the association and influence of the factors with the customer satisfaction. The result shows that the predictors found to be the most important to improve customer satisfaction are product price, product attractiveness, perceived quality, and brand experience. It is observed that the brand experience is more rational cause for the customer satisfaction than other predictors. In addition, the study shows that female smartphone users are more likely to have positive attitude towards their phone compared to the male users. Further research can be conducted by expanding the scope of the study with additional predictors, more sample size, and moderating variables.

Customer satisfaction, Regression analysis, Smartphones, Perceived quality, Brand experience.

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