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  • ISSN: 2455-5304

International Journal Of Civil, Mechanical And Energy Science(IJCMES)

Work Evaluation of the Construction Supervisory Consultants in Denpasar City

Tirtha Damayanti , G.A.P Candra Dharmayanti , I Nyoman Yudha Astana

International Journal of Civil, Mechanical and Energy Science (IJCMES), Vol-8,Issue-4, July - August 2022, Pages 26-36, 10.22161/ijcmes.84.4

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Article Info: Received: 25 Jul 2022; Received in revised form: 10 Aug 2021; Accepted: 17 Aug 2022; Available online: 23 Aug 2022


The purpose of the study is to analyse the work of the supervisory consultant based on the criteria of the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards and to formulate efforts to improve the work of the supervisory consultant using AHP method and gap analysis. The result shows that on the government projects, the work of the supervising consultants in Denpasar City, especially on the criteria of the ability for controlling quality, design dimension, cost, and time; supervising the implementation of the work methods; evaluating and reporting the contractor works; and understanding the contract documents are in “good” category. Meanwhile, the result indicates that on private projects, the work of supervisory consultants, in terms of the ability to control quality, cost, time and design dimensions are in the "very good” category; the ability to supervise the application of work methods is in “good” category. In the government project, the client prioritizes the ability of the supervisory consultants in terms of ability to control quality, dimensions, cost, and time, to understand the contract documents, supervise the work methods, and evaluate and report the contractor's performance. Whereas in private projects, the client prioritizes the capabilities of the supervisory consultants in terms of the ability to control the project quality, design dimensions, cost, and time, to evaluate and report the contractor's performance.

Supervisory Consultant Performance, Gap Analysis, AHP

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