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International Journal Of Chemical, Gas And Material Science(IJCGM)

Analysis of the impact of Pest infestation and its correlates among kola marketers in Ogun State, Nigeria

Taiwo O , Mokwunye I.U , Mokwunye F.C , Adebowale L.A

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Journal : International journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF)


Kola nuts are economic crops that play important roles in socio-economic and trado-religious life of the Nigerian people. Kola nut marketing is constrained by several factors. As a result, the study was conducted to understand the correlation among the variables affecting kola nut marketing in Ogun State, Nigeria. It was observed that majority (97.2%) of the marketers were females; they were mostly between 40-59 years. This reflects that kola nut trading is done by older generations. The result showed that 57% of the respondents were secondary school leavers while 16% had primary education indicating that most of the respondents are literate and can adopt new technologies easily. Majority of the respondents indicated that weevils-Balanogastriskolae and Soprorhinussp constitute major storage pests. 98.1% respondents observed annual losses between 1-20% while 1.9% said they observed about 60% losses due to weevil infestation. In order to forestall pest damage, 71.4% apply insecticides containing cypermethrin which is erroneously referred to as ‘gammalin 20’. It was observed that the flow of information was predominantly between kola nut marketers with no interaction with extension agents. The correlation analysis showed an inverse relationship between the percentage level of infestation and the marketers experience at 5% level of probability. This implies that years of experience improve knowledge of weevil management. The use of insecticides for kola nut preservation should be discouraged as it is hazardous to health particularly since kola nut does not undergo secondary processing before consumption. It is apparent from the foregoing, that the marketers are dire need of extension services for dissemination of safe kola preservation practices.

kola nut marketers, weevils, kola nut preservation, insecticides, pest infestation.

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