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  • ISSN: 2456-8678

International Journal Of Rural Development, Environment And Health Research(IJREH)

Indigenous people conflicts on chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti) crop raiding and natural resource exploitation, case study: Kimbi-Fungum National Park and Kom-Wum Forest Reserve NW, Cameroon

Mvo Denis Chuo , TSI Evaristus Angwafo , Tchamba Martin N

International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research(IJREH), Vol-1,Issue-3, September - October 2017, Pages 32-50, 10.22161/ijreh.1.3.5

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This paper assessed the indigenous people conflicts on Pan troglodytes ellioti crop raiding and natural resource exploitation, in the Kimbi-Fungum National Park (K-FNP) and Kom-Wum Forest Reserve (K-WFR) NW, Cameroon. Equally, it examine the type, origin, nature, level, effect and the possible constraints confronting the effective conflict management and propose some recommendations to help curtail conflicts. Data for the study were obtained through interviews administered questionnaires informal, interviewed as well as direct observations. From the result, only 28% of interviewees reported that Pan troglodytes ellioti raid crops such as bananas, cocoa, and vegetable. Nevertheless, Olive baboons, Patas monkey and other primates were said to be the highest crops raiders. On the other hand, the indigenous people with the claims of trying to protect their crops, set wire snares or uses guns to hunt down primates in farms. The results equally revealed that structural conflict was the major type of conflict characterizing the conflicts in the study areas. This conflict mainly originated from weak enforcement of natural resource laws, absence of conflict management mechanism, and demographic changes. These together with inadequate sources to improve livelihood of indigenes, couples with the imposition of policy without effective participation of the indigenous people and other stakeholders, have increased illegal activities including hunting and encroachment. The study advocates that all Ministries and stakeholders in charge of natural resources management should established a legislative instrument to put in place a well-structured conflict mechanism to address conflicts in the study areas. Most importantly, regular conservation educational programmes should be embarked on the indigenous people to appreciate the need for sustainable exploitation of natural resources.

Indigenous people, conflicts, chimpanzee, natural resource, K-FNP, K-WFR.

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