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  • ISSN: 2456-8015

International Journal Of Medical, Pharmacy And Drug Research(IJMPD)

Immunological Study in Vivo of Synthesis Nanoparticules used in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Abas Matrood Bashi , Kaiser Abdul Alsajjad , Hiyam Abdul Ridha AlAwad

International Journal of Medical, Pharmacy and Drug Research(IJMPD), Vol-2,Issue-1, January - February 2018, Pages 1-13 , 10.22161/ijmpd.2.1.1

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The synthesis of a nanoparticules used in drug delivery plays an important role in determining its targeting specificity and efficacy in vivo. A conventional approach relies on the surface conjugation of a nano-sized particle with two functionally distinct types of molecules, one as a targeting ligand, and the other as a therapeutic agent to be delivered to the diseased cell. However, an alternative simplified approach can be used, in which a single type of molecule displaying dual function as both a targeting ligand and therapeutic agent is conjugated to the nanoparticle. In this paper, we evaluate the validity of this new strategy by using methotrexate(MTX) and xerogel- methotrexate, (xerogel-MTX), Naproxine(NAP.), xerogel-Naproxine (xerogel-NAP.) the aim in this paper to define the procedures of sample and the applicability of FTIR and AFM and UV-Visb. techniques towards the characterization of the surface details with sub-nanometer resolution in nanoparticles (NPs) modified by MTX. And NAP ligands. To reach this aim, we prepared and analysed xerogel, xerogel-NAP. Xerogel-MTX NPs functionalized on the surface with ligands having different chemical nature and composition and capable to provide to the NPs physical chemical properties required for specific application. We tested the resulted NPs in vivo, using the whit rats animals, engineered with direct against arteries Rheumatology inflammation, proceed the evolution of some immunity parameters during the period of treatments.

xerogel, FTIR, AFM, immunology , nanoparticules

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