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International Journal Of Horticulture, Agriculture And Food Science(IJHAF)

Nickel – A Trace Element Hardly Considered

Manfred Sager

International Journal of Horticulture, Agriculture and Food science(IJHAF), Vol-3,Issue-2, March - April 2019, Pages 75-90, 10.22161/ijhaf.3.2.6

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In this paper, occurrence, environmental mobilities and ecological cycling of nickel up to daily intake and allergic reactions of humans is discussed, mainly based on data of the author and others, which are often hidden in multi-element tables, and not available via keywords. Whereas, apart from some hotspots of geology, nickel occurrence in Central Europe is moderate, sources of pollution are mainly smelters and oil production. Oil combustion is likely a main source of nickel pollution in street dust, and after oil spills. Remediation and phytomining may be possible by use of special accumulator plants. Fertilizers do not increase nickel levels in soils. In green plants, nickel levels are much higher than in animal tissues and products of animal origin, and in fungi they are highly variable. From this, vegans have 4-5 times the daily intake compared with mixed diet feeders, which already touches the range of allergic reactions of sensitive persons. Essentiality and toxic effects are also discussed.

Nickel – environmental occurrence, feeds, food, daily intake, metabolism, toxicity, allergy.

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