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  • ISSN: 2456-8791

International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)

Characteristics of sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) stands in forest Blitar

Anang Susanto , Mujiyo , Djoko Purnomo , MTh Sri Budiastuti

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DOI: 10.22161/ijfaf.2.3.3

Journal : International Journal Of Forest, Animal And Fisheries Research(IJFAF)


Paraserianthes falcataria (sengon) Family of Fabaceae that grows in East Java province based on observations in the field, these plants show the potential to accelerate the process of soil fertility. Character of shape, morphology and intensity of sunlight that is required by sengon stand for the process of soil enrichment in the forest, is not known for certain. This research is carried out to determine the symptoms of morphological characters, sengon tree as a contributor to the process of soil fertility. Dependence intensity of sunlight for sengon is still needed every season. Plant morphology can be from various literature while characterization observed by observation method such as light intensity, irradiation time, field height whereas sengon stand include, number of branches, width of crown, number of canopy, tree height and tree age. There are 9 types of Sengon varieties in East Java, especially shade Blitar. That k value is 490 and a value is -0,10. Sunlight intensity reach highest on 12 am which is 90% on IV age tree and lowest sengon on 12 am on V age tree is 46%

Intensity, Fertility, Varieties, Stands, Age.

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